I have been tagged by lovely Megan from Reading Books Like a Boss blog to share some info about my TBR list. I had a lot of fun filling out all the questions and I hope you will enjoy reading this post :)
Note: by clicking on picture, you will be directed to respective Goodreads page
How do you keep track of your TBR pile?
I try to keep it simple. I use only Goodreads shelves which help me to keep all the books I would like to read in some sort of order. I have all my books shelved by the month and year of their release. Also, I keep a shelf with all ARCs I accept so I know which books I should read first. Here is the link to my Goodreads TBR lists if anyone wants to give it a look.
Is your TBR mostly print or e-books?
I read most of the books on my kindle, so majority of my TBR is in e-book version. Only when I love book very much, I purchase printed version so I have it within reach whenever a mood for re-read strikes me :)
A book that has been on your TBR list the longest.
On my TBR list since April 2012.
Not sure when or if I am going to read it...
A book you’ve recently added to your TBR
All these have been added to my TBR based on great reviews by my friends.

A Book on your TBR strictly because of its beautiful cover

A book on your TBR that you never planned on reading
Actually, I am not sure why this book is still on my TBR list. I hated first book and I never plan on finishing this series. As a matter of fact, I am going to delete it from my TBR.

An unpublished book in your TBR that you’re excited about
These books have been on my radar for a long time. I can't wait until they are released!

A book that everyone’s read but you
I think that would be The Hunger Games trilogy.
I have all paperbacks on my bookself, but I never felt like reading it.
Maybe some day...
A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you
The Bronze Horseman. I already have it on my kindle.
And I plan to read it in the near future.
A book on your TBR that you’re DYING to read
I am in love with first book - Red Rising.
The best book I have read this year.
I cannot wait to get my hands on the sequel.

The number of books on my Goodreads TBR shelf
It is "only" 827 at the moment. I try to keep it at sort of reasonable number,
adding only books I am really interested in reading in the near future.
I would like to tag my friends to do TBR Challenge:
(if you want to)
Erin at Lit Slave blog
Brenna and Stephanie at No BS Book Reviews blog
Annmarie at Books and Fandom blog
Laura at Little Read Riding Hood blog
Ahhh! I'm not the only person who hasn't read The Hunger Games and The Bronze Horseman series! We are twins!! I'm also excited about Bad Romeo because of you (I actually talk about you in my video that will go up tomorrrow).
ReplyDeleteYay, so glad I got you excited about Bad Romeo! I look forward to watching to your video tomoroow ;)