2017 was the year when I almost gave up on blogging, therefore there was no annual recap post on my blog last year. But you know what they say, better late than never. So let’s take a look at list of the best 10 and the worst 10 books that I read last year. Everyone loves lists, right? List contains 2017 releases as well as backlist titles. The only condition was to pick from books that I had read in 2017.
#1 The Name of the Wind (The Kingkiller Chronicle #1) by Patrick Rothfuss
I DIDN’T READ THIS BOOK. I LIVED IT! And I never wanted it to end. There is no better proof of author’s extraordinary storytelling skills than that. Read my full review here.
#2 The Wise Man's Fear (The Kingkiller Chronicle #2) by Patrick Rothfuss
Once again, Patrick Rothfuss presented extremely rich world-building, masterfully crafted characters and story that I LIVED together with these characters. A must-read for all fantasy fans!
#3 Lords of the North (The Saxon Stories #3) by Bernard Cornwell
#4 The Burning Land (The Saxon Stories #5) by Bernard Cornwell
#5 The Flame Bearer (The Saxon Stories #10) by Bernard Cornwell
The Warrior Chronicles/Saxon Stories series is spectacular story with spectacular writing. It is one of the best historical fiction stories I have ever read and it is the perfect example of how to write engaging historical fiction series that never get boring or predictable! Read my series review here.
#6 Enemy of God (The Arthur Books #2) by Bernard Cornwell
#7 Excalibur (The Arthur Books #3) by Bernard Cornwell
Bernard Cornwell does not disappoint and once again I enjoyed his series immensely. The way he connects myth and fiction in this book is astonishing.
Mrs. Demetrios sure knows how to write powerful YA contemporaries. She made me feel SO MUCH while reading this book and that is a compliment I do not give very often. Read full review here.
Beautiful! This fanfic story made me feel so much and kept me glued to the pages from the beginning until the very end.
Unique premise, though-provoking content (prepare yourself for heavy/brutal/disturbing stuff) and very very good writing made this debut into memorable and gripping YA mystery thriller for me.
I expected so much more from this book. I expected that it would present more complex world and plot on a larger scale but I was mistaken. Simply said, Empress of a Thousand Skies can’t even hold a candle to most other sci-fi books that I have read. Read my full review here.
Ridiculous plot, just-telling-no-showing writing style and shallow one-dimensional characters with no depth. You can find my full ranty review here.
This was my second attempt at reading Ruby Dixon’s story and unfortunately her writing and storytelling is not doing it for me at all. I just find it lacking in so many ways.
I cannot deny that premise for this novel was perfect. But where was world-building? Where was explanation of how such alternate world came to be? Where was engaging storytelling and character development? Without all of that even the best idea for story turned into one flat and boring novel.
Storytelling was bad, heroine was a frustrating damsel in distress with no sense of danger, plot was weak with plenty of miscommunication issues and brought nothing new when it comes to historical romance genre. I could probably go on, but simply said, this book and I did not connect.
Story turned out to be very simple, predictable, boring and it lacked profoundness which led to quite a lot of skimming from my side.
Romance in this book and consequences surrounding it were not up to my personal taste and prevented me from enjoying this book. Moreover, super easy solution of all problems and unbelievable complete change of main character equaled to the indifference and a lot of skimming on my side.
What a disappointment. „Storytelling“ was chaotic, confusing and even non-existent here and there. I got lost in the story (in a bad way) so many time that I lost count.
I am very sad to say this, but all you need to know about this novel is that it has underdeveloped storyline and characters. And book suffers a lot because of it. Full review here.
Almost everything that I loved in the first book (Safi/Iseult interactions, Safi/Merik banters and chemistry, fast paced storyline) was completely missing in this instalment. There was nothing to make my heart beat faster, nothing to evoke a passion in me. Windwitch definitely suffers from "second book syndrome" and I was hugely disappointed! Read my full review here.
#8 Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios
Mrs. Demetrios sure knows how to write powerful YA contemporaries. She made me feel SO MUCH while reading this book and that is a compliment I do not give very often. Read full review here.
#9 The Age of Innocence by pattyrose
Beautiful! This fanfic story made me feel so much and kept me glued to the pages from the beginning until the very end.
#10 Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson
Unique premise, though-provoking content (prepare yourself for heavy/brutal/disturbing stuff) and very very good writing made this debut into memorable and gripping YA mystery thriller for me.
#1 Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza
I expected so much more from this book. I expected that it would present more complex world and plot on a larger scale but I was mistaken. Simply said, Empress of a Thousand Skies can’t even hold a candle to most other sci-fi books that I have read. Read my full review here.
#2 Fake Fiancée by Ilsa Madden-Mills
Ridiculous plot, just-telling-no-showing writing style and shallow one-dimensional characters with no depth. You can find my full ranty review here.
#3 Shift Out of Luck (Bear Bites #1) by Ruby Dixon
This was my second attempt at reading Ruby Dixon’s story and unfortunately her writing and storytelling is not doing it for me at all. I just find it lacking in so many ways.
#4 Clash of Eagles (Clash of Eagles #1) by Alan Smale
I cannot deny that premise for this novel was perfect. But where was world-building? Where was explanation of how such alternate world came to be? Where was engaging storytelling and character development? Without all of that even the best idea for story turned into one flat and boring novel.
#5 Thirty Nights with a Highland Husband by Melissa Mayhue
Storytelling was bad, heroine was a frustrating damsel in distress with no sense of danger, plot was weak with plenty of miscommunication issues and brought nothing new when it comes to historical romance genre. I could probably go on, but simply said, this book and I did not connect.
#6 Radiance (Wraith Kings #1) by Grace Draven
Story turned out to be very simple, predictable, boring and it lacked profoundness which led to quite a lot of skimming from my side.
#7 The Gravity of Us (Elements #4) by Brittainy C. Cherry
Romance in this book and consequences surrounding it were not up to my personal taste and prevented me from enjoying this book. Moreover, super easy solution of all problems and unbelievable complete change of main character equaled to the indifference and a lot of skimming on my side.
#8 Fight Club 2 by Chuck Palahniuk, David W. Mack
What a disappointment. „Storytelling“ was chaotic, confusing and even non-existent here and there. I got lost in the story (in a bad way) so many time that I lost count.
#9 Black Hearts (Sins Duet #1) by Karina Halle
I am very sad to say this, but all you need to know about this novel is that it has underdeveloped storyline and characters. And book suffers a lot because of it. Full review here.
#10 Windwitch (The Witchlands #2) by Susan Dennard
Almost everything that I loved in the first book (Safi/Iseult interactions, Safi/Merik banters and chemistry, fast paced storyline) was completely missing in this instalment. There was nothing to make my heart beat faster, nothing to evoke a passion in me. Windwitch definitely suffers from "second book syndrome" and I was hugely disappointed! Read my full review here.
Feel free to link me up or share your favorites and biggest disappointments in comments :)
blacksheep187 90p · 369 weeks ago
Lucia 94p · 369 weeks ago
karenblue 28p · 369 weeks ago
Lucia 94p · 368 weeks ago
aimeecanread 69p · 368 weeks ago
- Aimee @ Aimee, Always
Lucia 94p · 368 weeks ago
venosag 72p · 368 weeks ago
Lucia 94p · 368 weeks ago
Yuli @ Damaged Pages · 367 weeks ago
I loved your post, the Name of the Wind has been on my TBR for quite a while so when I go home I may finally give it a go.
( http://dampages.blogspot.com/ )
Lucia 94p · 367 weeks ago
rlwestgate 8p · 367 weeks ago
Lucia 94p · 367 weeks ago