Monday, 16 February 2015

REVIEW: Kiss the Sky by Krista & Becca Ritchie

Kiss the Sky by Krista & Becca Ritchie
(Calloway Sisters #1, Addicted #2.1)
Purchase: Amazon / B&N / BD

Genre: New Adult Contemporary

Virgin. Sex addict. Daredevil. Alcoholic. Smartass … Jackass. Her five friends are about to be filmed. Reality TV, be prepared.

Rose Calloway thought she had everything under control. At twenty-three, she’s a Princeton graduate, an Academic Bowl champion, a fashion designer and the daughter of a Fortune 500 mogul. But with a sex addict as a sister and roommate, nothing comes easy.

After accepting help from a producer, Rose agrees to have her life filmed for a reality television show. The Hollywood exec is her last chance to revive her struggling fashion line, and boundaries begin to blur as she’s forced to make nice with a man who always has his way.

Twenty-four-year-old Connor Cobalt is a guy who bulldozes weak men. He’s confident, smart-as-hell and lives with his equally ambitious girlfriend, Rose Calloway. Connor has to find a way to protect Rose without ruining the show. Or else the producer will get what Connor has always wanted—Rose’s virginity.


Logical and intelligent, Connor Cobalt looks at world in a very practical way. Controlled in obsessively compulsive way, Rose Calloway is embodiment of independent and ambitious woman. However, still a virgin, Rose is afraid to give herself to any man, even to her long-term boyfriend Connor. Two people who don't know defeat, who always want to win at everything. The couple, yet still the rivals. Now when outsider is step by step unraveling the sort-of-peace they created for their family and friends, will Rose and Connor finally stop fighting each other?

Lo's words from Addicted for Now (Addicted #2) could not be more precise. Connor Cobalt must be one of the most intriguing bookish characters I have ever encountered. Being in his head was complex and fascinating experience and I loved every moment of it. To tell the truth, until this book I had no idea who real Connor was. I was in constant state of being mesmerized by how his mind works. He always made me laugh as well. Did I mention how awesome character he is? I am in love.

Rose, Rose, Rose... how do I feel about her? I respect and admire her. She may come out as bold and insensitive, but she just wants to be strong enough to protect those she loves the most - her sisters. And I loved that about her. But the two of them together? Rose & Connor are explosive. Passionate. Unique. Their banters are golden. It may seem as paradox but for me, Rose & Connor are without the doubt the most interesting couple in whole series.

I have to admit that with all that reality show angle authors decided to pursue in this book, I was truly worried that it will turn into over the top drama. Fortunately, my worries were pointless. Krista & Becca Ritchie once again proved why they are my NA queens. They managed to develop their characters through out the book without changing their core features and I loved that. Kiss the Sky is my favorite instalment of this series and I can't wait for Rose's and Connor's story to continue in Fuel the Fire!

NOTE: Kiss the Sky can be read as a standalone. However, for the better reading experience, I would recommend reading Addicted series by Krista & Becca Ritchie first. You can check timeline and suggested reading order here.

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Lucia @Reading Is My Breathing

Lucia is 29 years old passionate reader and reviewer who enjoys talking about all bookish things. Currently she lives in Prague, works in business industry and dreams of starting her own publishing company. Her weakness? She can never say no to cake, coffee or good novel.

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Your review of this has just made me want to read the series even more :) I will have to move it up my TBR list!
My recent post Book Review: Just Pru by Anne Pfeffer
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
Aw, I am so happy that my review caught your attention :) I adore this book, couple and these authors. You cannot go wrong with Addicted series!
Great review!! This book was my favorite in the series :D
My recent post Quick Recap of Weekend Sales!!
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
This is my favorite as well. Connor & Rose are just amazing, right? :) Thanks for stopping by, Feifei!
Rose and Connor are my ultimate OTP and you said it so perfectly...they are explosive together! I can't wait to see what the twins have in store for us in FTF :)
My recent post Becoming Rain (Burying Water #2):Review
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
Oh yes! I am shipping Rose and Connor so so much! They were match made in heaven :) I hope that no matter what comes their way, Rose and Connor will stay together in FTF.
I have heard so many amazing things about this series. I think I will have to get to it soon. I just dug myself out of a reading slump and I have no desire to go back, and this series seems to be a sure thing.
I love an intriguing kind of mysterious hero, so Conner sounds like just my type ;)
Great review Lucia!
My recent post 5 reasons why the FSOG movie was better than the book.
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
I think you are going to love this, Stacy! It is the best NA can offer at the moment, IMO. Cannot wai to see what you will think :)
recently I have been hearing really good things about this series, I will add it to my TBR :D Lovely review
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
Yay! I hope you decide to read this series soon :) It is one of the best when it comes to NA genre.
I LOVE THIS SERIES OMG. Connor and Rose are adorable and their banter is amazing and I like the unique direction their romance took in this book (that being said, I do think the way she lost her virginity was a little . . . odd. Considering it was her FIRST time hahaha).

Though I'll always be a Raisy girl, I love Connor and Rose's dynamic so much <3
My recent post Review: Snow Like Ashes {Sara Raasch}
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
Everyone seems to love Raisy the most. I love them all but Rose & Connor have my heart completely :)
Thanks for stopping by and finding time to comment, Allie!
I need to stop visiting your blog. Every time I visit, I end up buying e-books. You are ruining me, woman. I now want this book and Addicted series. I don't like you lol jkjk I love you and your reviews...which is why I will end up broke!
My recent post Review: Boomerang by Noelle August
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
Aww, this is the best compliment I could get. You made my day, Gen <3 Thank you!
And yes, read this series. It holds special place in my heart and I am recommending it to all NA lovers :)
This author duo has been blowing up the blogosphere lately their books, and y'all are seriously beginning to wear me down. I don't venture into New Adult Contemporary overly much, but reviewers just make the Ritchies writing sound so gosh darned appealing! My will power has limits, and I've just about reached my breaking point. Hehe!
My recent post Fresh Meat: February 15-21st Speculative Fiction Releases
1 reply · active 527 weeks ago
Aw, Ritchie duo is amazing! I was about to give up on NA genre forever but than I tried their books and they are perfect for me. IMO, Addicted series is the best NA contemporary genre can offer at the moment. So when you find yourself in the mood for some ocntemporary romance, go for it Carmel :)
I've heard about this series before, but I ignored it because I thought it might be an average read *hides* Seeing your stellar review, I'm going to look into it now :) Lovely review <3
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1 reply · active 526 weeks ago
Yay, I am so glad to hear that you are willing to give this series a try. It is worth it! Thanks for finding time to comment :)
OMG I can't believe how far along you are in this series! I NEED TO CATCH UP!!! :D
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1 reply · active 526 weeks ago
I put all my ARCs aside and basically read whole series back to back. I think it is good sign of how much I love it :) Can't wait to hear your thoughts when you finish it!
I'm so glad you loved Kiss the Sky Lucia, and I totally agree that Rose and Connor are the most interesting couple in the series! They're a mystery to everyone, but reading their point of views everything just made sense! Great review.
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1 reply · active 526 weeks ago
Thanks, Jeann! It is impossible not love love and be intrigued by Connor & Rose, right ? :)

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